[PR] ×[PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 So I think I can't draw i had concentrate 30mins to manage with it, oh god,so tired, and then i gave it up . the door is so awful,maybe i shd cut it and that girl...somehow ugly too... next time,maybe i shd use anothe kind of pen... this kind of market is not easy to do with it PR コメント 1. 無題 OMG, VL... u're so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i juz realised~!!!! artist!!!!! コメントを書く コメントを書く コメント送信
1. 無題
i juz realised~!!!! artist!!!!!